Wubbanub Pacifier

These adorable pacis double as a stuffed animal and look absolutely adorable when being used.

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Wubbanub on Amazon

Founded by mompreneur Carla Schneider, Wubbanub started off with a crying baby, a stuffed animal and a hotel sewing kit in 1999. Today they can now be found in thousands of boutiques, specialty shops, and major retailers across the globe. Combining an adorable stuffed animal with a pacifier, you get fun and functional baby product that's easy to grasp, nearly impossible to lose, and instantly comforting. WubbaNub’s are baby’s first friend.

At Tita, we love wubbanub because you get a 2-for-1 great gift that can stand on it's own as a small gift or can also be paired with a book or a onesie to make a set. They come in a variety of different animals (both real and imaginary!) and look absolutely adorable when in use.

Tita's Pick

It's hard to choose when all of them are adorable, but our official favorite is Marni Narwhal. Narwhals seem like magical creatures, but are quite real in real life and even more adorable as a stuffed animal. But that's just us!

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