Gift a Freezer Dinner

A great gift for people who are busy or need a little bit of support — plus 5 meal ideas!

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Benjamin on Pexels

There are certain occasions where the perfect gift is a little bit of help or convenience. We love the idea of giving freezer meals over fresh perishable food because with so much going on the recipient won’t have time to cook and they won’t have to worry about the food going to waste. Instead, they’ll be able to heat it up and eat the dish whenever they want for up to 3 months and also be thinking of the nice gesture you did for them while they are eating.  

What Occasions Freezer Dinners are Perfect Gifts For

🤱 New or Expecting Parents

Freezer meals are a popular and well appreciated gift for new or expecting parents. The thought is that once the baby comes, they’ll have little time to even think about doing anything else except take care of the baby. Giving them an extra dinner makes life a little bit easier and gives them one less thing to do during the day. 

🗝 Housewarming Parties

If you’re going to a housewarming party, a freezer meal is a great way not to come empty handed. Assume that the host is exhausted from their move or just needs to stock their fridge with yummy meals.

🎄 The Holidays (For Post Holidays!)

Going over to a family member’s house for the Holidays? A freezer meal is a nice gesture to bring. While they may have some leftovers after the party, no one likes to eat the same meal twice in a row, so giving a freezer meal may be nice for them to take a break from the leftovers (especially since they’ll be so exhausted from hosting!)

🤕 Get Well Soon

Freezer meals are especially great as Get Well Soon gifts. For people recovering from surgery or who are sick, they aren’t able to do much except lay in bed and get better. Giving them a meal they can easily heat up and eat will be much appreciated.

👵 Visiting Elderly Parents or Relatives

When your loved ones get older, they’ve paid their dues making meals for you — now it’s time to return the favor! Freezer meals are a nice surprise or gesture when you’re visiting them. It’s a meal you can either eat together or for them to have on hand when it’s too much hassle to cook. 

💐 Those who have lost a loved one

Losing a family member or close one is extremely stressful, especially if the person is the one responsible for making arrangements. Making a freezer meal for them gives them one less meal to think of and also shows them that you’re there for them for love and support.

Tita’s 5 Favorite Freezer Dinners to Gift

  1. Lasagna
    A crowd pleaser for dinner and relatively easy to make.
  2. Breakfast Burritos
    Don't forget about breakfast! Breakfast burritos freeze extremely well and are also great to-go meals.
  3. Chili
    Make something that will warm and fill their bellies with chili. You can also send on over some corn bread to eat on the side or toppings like cheese and sour cream.
  4. Mac and Cheese
    Another crowd please and nostalgic childhood favorite that you can delight the kid inside of any recipient.
  5. Soups!
    Soups are known to freeze well and there's a huge variety of different kinds so you can cater to the recipient's taste.

Additional Tip

Use disposable aluminum foil pans when you deliver it! The whole purpose of gifting these dinners is to make things easier, so avoid giving them casserole dishes they need to wash and return to you since it causes more of a hassle. The typical size is for aluminum foil pans is 9x13 inches, but these are a bit big and might not fit in the recipient's freezer, so we recommend these 8x8x2 Square Aluminum Pans. They are small, but deep so you should be able to fit a good sized dish inside.

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