Manhattan Toy Plush Stuffed Animal

Check out this adorable variety of plush toys from Manhattan Toy Company.

Manhattan Toy Company focuses on bringing joy to everyday play. They produce a wonderful variety of quality toys and are leaders in creating products that enhance developmental play. As of now, they have over 500 award winning toys in their collection with exclusive products exclusive products in Target, Barnes& Noble, Anthropologie and more.

At Tita, we particularly love their plush stuffed animals that are not only soft and fun for the child to play with, but also incredibly tasteful looking and make an adorable addition to a child's nursery.

Tita's Pick

We're partial to "Lou the Llama." It's adorable and the soft white fur is attractive and gender neutral for the child

Additional Options

Manhattan Toys has an array of equally cute plush stuffed animals. Here are more you can find on Amazon (at slightly higher prices):

Mason the Blue Hippo, $17.99

Petals the Unicorn, $28.62

Rowan the Bear, $15.50

Theo the Bunny, $18.99

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