Baby Stacking Rings

A colorful and fun baby gift that also provides a lot of developmental advantages for a child's growth.

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Sassy on Amazon

One of the toys you'll see in almost every home that has a baby is a stacking ring toy. For good reason too! This type of toy holds numerous advantages — from helping to develop hand-eye coordination, energizing critical thinking, improving fine motor skills as well as teach basic numeracy, logic and color recognition. It's a basic learning toy that also provides hours of fun for little ones which makes it a great gift to expecting parents or little babies at the early stages.

There are hundreds of varieties of stacking toys, so if you're gifting one you'll have lots to choose from. If you're the type of person who wants to avoid analysis-paralysis however, don't fret! We put together a few of our favorites below.

Tita's Pick

Sassy Stacks Circles, $8.99 on Amazon
A lot of stacks you'll find online will feature smooth and boring donut shaped rings. Not these! In addition to being affordable, we love sassy stacks because in addition to having a great color and pattern variety, each of the rings is also textured which adds an additional layer of sensory exploration for the child.

Other Great Alternatives

Infantino Sensory Engaging Textures & Sounds Activity Stacker, $16.99
If you want to give a softer alternative and avoid plastic, Infantino has a great 6 piece set that provides the same stacking experience, but is made out of fabric and also makes some fun noises such as crinkling, rattling and “giggle” whistle sounds.

Manhattan Toy Plush Lion Stacking Toy, $19.99
If you fear that a child might already have a stacking toy, but like the idea of it this Plush Lion made by Manhattan Toy Company is great because it serves a similar purpose but doubles as a lovely stuffed animal and looks great in the nursery.

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