Alphabet Legends Book

Unique ABC books to educate and inspire your children through cultural icons.

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Alphabet Legends

Alphabet Legends is a wonderful brand producing unique alphabet books featuring various icons and celebrities in history and culture. Founded by Beck Feiner out of Sydney Australia, the author wanted to create an alphabet book she could use to teach her son his ABCs, while having meaningful conversations around each of those 26 letters. What started first with Aussie Legends has now turned into a full series of various books of many interests and topics.

The thing we love most about Alphabet Legends is that it truly enriches the alphabet for both the child, as well as the parents. There are so many Alphabet Legends books now that you can choose the book the speaks most to the family of the child. The gift is fantastic in enabling the parent to teach their child the Alphabet as well as something that's important to them — be it cooking, sports, feminism, and more.

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